Lab Centre

In recognition of the necessity to utilize all means and provide whatever needed to meet the physicians requirements in order to diagnose the ailment easily and quickly, and as lab analyses are very important to attain this objective, the Hospital has expanded the labs and modernized its equipments from the best known European and American manufacturers, and with the most updated technology of medical lab equipments.


However, lab has become all what is stated above, and has distinguished, long-experienced technical cadre working round the clock, to become the focus of trust gained by its reliable test results, and thus many outside labs are referring to it.


Among the most important features enjoyed by these labs: speed, ultimate accuracy of its results and the service rendered to patients whether inpatients or outpatients. They provide for all lab tests round the clock.  Accountably, lab centre is subject to quality check by internal commission and another from the Ministry of Health.


Labs in Al-Hayat General Hospital provide the following lab services:


-        Biochemistry

-         Hematology

-        Microbiology

-        Serology

-        Genetic inheritance

-        Chromosome analysis

-        Molecular biology

-        Immunity

-        Viruses

-        Allergy test

-        Genetic diseases for newborns

-        Endocrinology

-        Premarital tests

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our vision
Provide comprehensive, safe uniqe and high quality medical services to Jordanian and international patients through qualified personnel and using the latest medical technology  satisfaction of the service recipient and ethical profession and the need to continuously increase the efficiency of the hospital.
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